Got bitten by the BarCamp bug again. I spent the last weekend at the Rock and Roll Code Camp at San Diego. This was one unconference that covered a lot of MS technologies. I got my fill of Silverlight, CardSpace, and some refresher/updates on WCF and WPF. I also saw an good demo of TeamCity. This is a build management tool (quite comprehensive) from Jetbrains, the same guys who make Idea, my favorite Java IDE.
My presentation on "The Ten Commandments for an Agile Developer", was based on a post I wrote earlier. My slides:
This was one unconference that made the speakers feel extra special. A speakers' room, bags and t-shirts as audience giveways, and even a speakers badge! I'm saving mine :), I've never seen it in an unconference before.
My presentation on "The Ten Commandments for an Agile Developer", was based on a post I wrote earlier. My slides:
This was one unconference that made the speakers feel extra special. A speakers' room, bags and t-shirts as audience giveways, and even a speakers badge! I'm saving mine :), I've never seen it in an unconference before.
back to bar camping I suppose :)
Yes, its always fun. I'm also speaking at the .NET users group in Pasadena, CA in September.
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