Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Harry Potter Mania Fossil

3 days to go. I can't wait to lay my hands on the last book. I have so many theories - as would anyone who's read the series so far - whether Sirius Black is really dead, Harry is a horcrux, what Aunt Petunia got to do with all this. It doesn't matter whether I am going to be proven right or wrong, its so much fun thinking about all the pieces of the story. Kids who will grow up to read Harry Potter would miss out on this fun. For instance, when my son (who's just over 1 yr) is old enough to read the book, he'll probably have a hard-bound boxed set, but the overall story will be well known. Readers like us have the pleasure (or otherwise, if you think) of ruminating over each part (i mean, each book), spewing out our own theories and reasoning, asking irrelevant questions with enthusiasm. In short, my son will probably read the Harry Potter series like I read the Lord of the Rings or the Hitchhikers Guide - where the intervals of suspense are shorter.
Reading the first 6 books after this one's out, knowing what is going to happen in the end is likely to be a completely different experience. Just try reading the Prisoner of Azkaban now that we know Peter Pettigrew helps Voldemort regain his powers. I'm going to miss the feeling of having so many unanswered questions.

Note to Self: Hyperlink all the terminology to the appropriate wikipedia pages.

Note to Reader: If you don't see a hyperlink, please look up the word on wikipedia.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sowmya,

I left a comment at this post:

Would appreciate it if you could respond to my questions.

- Adam

Brajeshwar said...

Do you know that the Book is already leaked on torrents complete with photo shots of all the pages. I've been reading it since yesterday.

Sowmya Karmali said...

So it is!

While there is still debate on whether there is the final final version or not, there is a torrent available of this book.

I hope bitorrent won't go the napster way for perpetrating this.

Sandhya said...

Honest request - Please don't read the "pirated" book that is out there . For all true Harry Potter fans, there is no better way to devour the final book than hole-up in your den the whole night and/or weekend reading a PHYSICAL COPY of the book savoring every chapter sentence by sentence . Keep the charm going for the midnight party folks!!

And for book 7, dunno abt Sirius Black but I get this feeling (and wish) that Dumbledore isn't dead.
I was thinking about the Aunt Petunia angle as well, but if you notice , the part where Aunt Petunia gets the mail addressed from Dumbledore at the start of book 5 isn't included in the movie. Considering that JKR still reviews the screenplay of all HP movies, Im having to rethink that one...